With this in mind, we demand the highest quality from our suppliers and place the highest demands on our finished products. This is not only about the optical and functional characteristics of the article, but also in particular about its suitability for food contact. We are very proud of the fact that all our products are confirmed suitable and capable according to permanent, strict controls.
In order to create a sustainable concept, our products need to have a long lifespan before they can be 100% recycled.
To guarantee a hygienic product in the long term, deep and thorough cleaning is required – therefore, the dishwasher-suitability of our products play a major role. These can be cleaned in accordance with EN 12875-1: 2005 at 60 ° C rinsing temperature (with finishing). Our range of cups was also tested for industrial cleaning, during which the cups were cleaned for up to 400 cycles at more than 80 ° C.
Our corporate philosophy “Made in Germany” is evidence of our responsibility and future-orientated approach.
Our product range consists exclusively of reusable items. We are focusing especially on bio-based plastics obtained from renewable raw material (sugar cane) and of the use of recyclates (= recycled material)
Product testing in accordance with all required European Standards:
All materials (even bio-based) can be fully recycled.
We take seriously our responsibility towards the environment and place the highest value on resources and energy saving production. Our contribution to this includes e.g. the use of a heat recovery system, the prevention of waste, and the use of recyclable cardboards. Our clear objective is the reduction of co2 emissions.
SEDEX Member Ethical Trade Audits (SMETA) – 4 Pillar.
Assessment of CSR management (Corporate Social Responsibility)
Collaboration exclusively with accredited labs: